The power of the word is such that I shall devote my life to that mystery and serve the muse of writing. My way will carry on being brutally honest and personal. That is who I am and why should I write as someone else. The fabric of my life is perfect as a foundation for this quest.

Arctic sun on melting snow
faint tracks of small footprints
leading towards the turqouise blue sea
black pepples on an empty beach
round and soft
her eyes deep like the depths of the ocean
blackened with fear
voices crack open her skull
ravens fill the sky
shadow play on thin layer of ice
Hi Birgitta,
I wanted to send a comment to your icelandic blog and your foto from our little travel with your mother. but i did´nt understand the script:-) thank your for this happy day:-)) and for the secrets of snaefelsnes.
sjaumst with oceans and oceans of everything
Muchas gracias por la publicación del blog. Muchas gracias de nuevo. Muy agradecido.
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