Sunday, October 24, 2010

Iraq War Logs

Iraq War Logs covered by AL JAZEERA made me think of a poem I wrote in the wake of the war. Last place i performed this poem was at a NATO parliamentary assembly side event in the Scottish parliament last year. I will bring the issue of the War Logs to the next NATO parliamentary assembly meeting that will take place in Warsaw 12th of November. The way the war logs have been made available via the WikiLeaks network to the general public, the media, the UN, the politicians and the people within the counties suffering from the war crimes uncovered in the war logs will hopefully wake people up about the: 

Horror of War

Headless bodies
        burned flesh
smell of decay

A wedding band
on a slim delicate finger
Shades of memories
a future that can never be

A lonely head in a lush green field
eyes wide open
In the hollow a reflection of
untold love

Mountains of starved children
                            shiny bones
flesh torn off the bodies

Shocked and awed
by the images of mothers
miscarrying their unborn children

Shocked and awed
by the silent fear
countless civilians
dead dead dead

These are images
we should put in a frame
Mount them in our homes
so we never forget;
the true horror of war
and hopefully we will be able to find other solutions in conflict then full fledge war... lets use the war logs to stop future wars - fight war not wars!