from lung cancer. It happened really fast, so fast that me and my brother never made it to her to see her before she slipped into the other world. We got the news while boarding the plane to Denmark where she lives. But the most important thing is that she died in the best possible way> in her sleep, looking forward to see us as we to see her and she didn't have to suffer more than she already did.
It was good to see her body, she hasn't looked so beautiful for a long time. So much peace in her face and i could feel her soul had left the body. She has been making some signs from the other world. I could feel the peace, the lightness of being after years and years of mental and physical suffering.
My mother was a great musician and leaves many treasures behind in that field... and i will do my best to keep that legacy alive....
Rest in peace dearest... but knowing her i am sure she is up to something ....